Jointer Bearing Loose

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Jointer Bearing Loose

Post by jlreeves »

I havent used the jointer much but have a project and was going to use it to clean up a live edge. I got it all set up, locked down and started the machine. While bringing it up to speed, I started to hear a tic at around C-D. Shut it down and went to check the blade hold downs. I did find one a little loose so went through all of them and tightened everything. Tried again, same result. I thought I noticed the coupler shake a little in time with the tics. Shut it back down and started to tear into it like an onion. Finally found it. The bearing bracket on the power head side of the cutter head had somehow backed out and the whole head was jumping up and down. I could move it by hand about a quarter of an inch. I was able to get to the bracket bolt and get it reseated and tightened down. Checked the other side also in case it had been vibrated loose. Reassembled it and its smooth as silk now. I shudder to think what would have happened if the cutter head had made contact with the table. Not your normal maintenance item. Just goes to show you if you think its squirrely, it probably is. Stop and be safe.
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