Kreg bandsaw fence?

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Kreg bandsaw fence?

Post by eagspoo »

I bought the Kreg bandsaw fence directly from Kreg for my SS bandsaw (the newer one with the larger aluminum table). I'm now seeing that there is a critical piece, a length of aluminum angle stock, that was included in the Shopsmith sold version that doesn't come with the Kreg version.

I've read through several old threads in this forum, but the most interesting ones, with images, details, and links to old SS forum discussions, have broken links and missing images.

I think I get how to set it up, but I've love to find a thread that describes how do the conversion so I know I'm getting it right. What size angle stock, specific positions for drilling/mounting to the table and fence, etc.

Anyone have specific guidance or links that still work? Or links to specific instructions I may have missed?

Thanks for any help!
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Re: Kreg bandsaw fence?

Post by eagspoo »

Ok, just found this conversation which is really useful: viewtopic.php?t=13077

However, again the essential link for buying the longer extrusion is broken (I guess that thread is also 12 years old).

And I'm more confused than helped by the Sketchup diagram. There are two rails? Can someone point me to an image or explain the purpose of each of those rails? I was just imagining a single piece of angle on the feed side of the table that I'd then bolt the Kreg gutter to. What's the other one for??
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Re: Kreg bandsaw fence?

Post by DLB »

One part of the linked thread refers to the 20" miter gauge extension. That is a fairly unique extrusion in that it has both the SS-unique T-slots (two) as well as one 'standard' T-slot (the version referred to as 1/4", I believe). I think this part was discontinued by the previous management as these were frequently on clearance sales a couple of years back. It's not used on anything else that I know of. (And I didn't know it was used on the Kreg fence.) I don't see one on ebay and I don't recall ever seeing one on ebay.

Best thing I can think of is determine the critical dimensions and features of this. You might find a non-SS extrusion with standard T-slots that will meet your needs.

Hopefully someone with a Kreg fence can offer more insight.

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Re: Kreg bandsaw fence?

Post by DLB »

I should have looked closer at the pictures before I answered. The 20" miter gauge extension is being used as the fence face on the Kreg. The SS T-slots are on the top and the face, the only use that comes to mind is a stop or a flip stop. Therefore, not very important in my mind. The mounting T-slot on the 'rear' is the one that is standard, not SS-unique, and is about 1-1/2" up from the bottom of the fence. Inspection of the Kreg mounting features may tell you how much that dimension can vary from nominal. Is this the aluminum angle stock you referred to in your first post?

Is there any reason that the standard Kreg angle extrusion would not work? Getting back to those linked pictures, that appears to be what is what Hank (hjlssfor1) used.

I have no insight on the second rail question. I have the SS fence which uses only one rail and clamps to the table edge on the other end.

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Re: Kreg bandsaw fence?

Post by chapmanruss »


Sorry to be late on a response.

If I am understanding you correctly you need the actual fence rail that the Shopsmith OEM Fence uses. That would be part number 516687 called the
Bandsaw Table Notched Fence Bar and is $27.95 plus you would need the 3 Hex Head Bolts and 3 Flat Washers. If I recall correctly the Bandsaw Extension Table Accessory (P/N 555488) Extension Bar (P/N 501378) is the same part without the notch for the Miter to pass over.

The picture below shows the Shopsmith Bandsaw Fence, Fence Bar and hardware.

Bandsaw Fence - front and rear lock.jpg
Bandsaw Fence - front and rear lock.jpg (217 KiB) Viewed 11990 times
Although not relevant here, the Fence above the second version with locks on both ends. The Fence Bar and hardware is the same for the earlier version single lock Fence.

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