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Some Sort of Karma

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 7:15 am
by dusty
is at work.

I was all excited about seeing the new, improved, fully adjustable, tilting outfeed table last Saturday on the Sawdust Session. The Sawdust Session occurred but my computer crashed and I missed all but just enough to know that Nick presented the new design.

Oh well. I'll watch it on the rerun.

Well guess what. The rerun hasn't occurred. It's Friday already and no Sawdust Session.

It's gotta be karma. Nick and Drew are never this late posting the session.:(

Xtra day

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 8:10 am
by rcoder

You get an extra day as this is only Thurs.

Bob in Willcox

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 8:15 am
by cowboyplus
rcoder wrote:Dusty,

You get an extra day as this is only Thurs.

Bob in Willcox
Arizona has their own time zone....


Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 8:16 am
by scottss
Boy I hope its not friday I am having double knee surgery on friday and I still have to do a few things around the place.

Best wishes

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 8:37 am
by kd6vpe
Wishing you a speedy recovery after the surgury.

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 8:46 am
by dusty
See...It is Karma.

I might be in still another time zone. Now I know why I didn't get all of what I had planned for Thursday done.:D

scottss, I'll be thinking about you. I too have done the knee surgery thing. All I have to say about mine is "Why did I wait so long". Good Luck and make yourself comfortable in rehab. Don't hurry to get out of there. Exercise is an important part of recovery and rehab will have a program to do just that.

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 10:15 am
by scottss
Thanks kd6vpe and Dusty, this is my second time for one of my knees and I hope it goes better than last time. One thing is I will take it slow this time. Last time I thought I could just pickup and go right back to normal. My wife says that normal is a setting on the dryer.
thanks everyone

Some Sort of Karma

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 11:08 am
by dusty
Approximately four years ago I completed a dual knee replacement. Both knees had been replaced previously.

The second time around has been a charm. For about three years I have been up and around as well as anyone my age should expect to be. I do just about anything I want to do so long as I don't have to land with force, like jumping out of the back of my pickup. Now I sit down and slide out.

I might be able to jump but I'm chicken to try.

Good Luck, I'll be thinking about you.

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 11:29 am
by Ed in Tampa
dusty wrote:Approximately four years ago I completed a dual knee replacement. Both knees had been replaced previously.

The second time around has been a charm. For about three years I have been up and around as well as anyone my age should expect to be. I do just about anything I want to do so long as I don't have to land with force, like jumping out of the back of my pickup. Now I sit down and slide out.

I might be able to jump but I'm chicken to try.

Good Luck, I'll be thinking about you.
I sit down and slide out and I haven't had knee surgery. Although I did witness my buddy jumping out landing wrong and breaking his leg to the extent that they talked about removing the it.
I no longer have anything to prove, so I simply sit down slide out and life just gets better.;)

The best to you tomorrow and I pray the surgery goes well and your recovery is quick.


Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 1:53 pm
by charlese
scotss - Sending my very best wishes to you for a happy "normal" operation and recovery!:D

dusty - Not knowing the day of the week is a normal retired persons' thing. Having the same situation here, (I no longer consider it a problem). The way I kinda keep track is; Wed. and Saturdays, we go out to lunch. My Sweet Wife always reminds me!!!:)