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Duck family with guardian goose?

Posted: Fri May 07, 2021 11:44 pm
by reible
This is something that I have never witnessed in nature. In fact I have never heard of this happening but there it was.

As some of you may know it is common for geese to have a parent lead then a stream of they young followed by another parent. Ducks quite often travel with the mom and bunch up behind her.

So you can imagine that when I saw a mother duck being trailed by the ducklings and then following behind was a goose I first thought this was just a odd happening and would soon be over. Just happened to be heading the same direction or what ever. Then as I watched it was clear that the goose was indeed staying behind the duck family. I got the camera out and started filming. Wish I had started earlier but that is how it goes sometime.

Ducklings have a fair amount of things that eat them. Fish, turtles, herons, mink, weasels, to name a few so having some added protection is no doubt a good thing but have a goose taking on the roll, well that is just plain odd.

Well here you go, watch for yourself:


Re: Duck family with guardian goose?

Posted: Tue May 11, 2021 10:45 pm
by reible
Shot this video this afternoon. A batch of sparrows fresh out of the nest with the mom feeding them. I like how she makes sure they each get some.

Later when I was about to head off to the hardware store I noticed a little sparrow near the back tire of the van. Went to investigate and there were 4 more all snugged up against the back tire. Had I just got in a drove off I would have killed them all or at least most of them. Ever try to herd chicks from under a van? Not all the easy. Oh sure a couple of them took off right away but two of them made an adventure out of it.

This second batch was from a nest box on the other side of the house so it must have been leaving the nest day? Also saw a baby robin in the back yard, first time for that this year so it an exciting day bird wise.

Possible frost tonight, first night out of a warm nest should be interesting learning experience for them.


Re: Duck family with guardian goose?

Posted: Fri May 14, 2021 12:33 am
by reible
The guardian goose seems to still be on the job here a few days later. Wish one could know what is going on with this, but for sure it is happening.

A second video here:

Shows a goose family swimming across a river. Note the line they form rather then like the ducks huddle. Towards the end you can see a mom and a couple of ducklings just beyond them.
