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Still around, still going (mostly), now trying to get in some woodshop time

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2023 2:24 am
by robinson46176
It does me good to come here and see so many names still here. Things got so bad that I had to walk away from quite a few groups I had been active in. Now I am returning here, I was always fond of this group. Somehow when I was not paying attention I got older. :rolleyes: I turn 81 in April, not sure how that happened...
We raised 4 kids, Three girls and a boy. All 4 of them became grandparents. New years eve of 2021 we lost our youngest daughter to covid. It's not supposed to work like that...
About mid November of 2021 I started becoming quite ill. The local Docs were tightly booked for 3 or 4 weeks out, mostly covid cases. When I could finally get in to the Doc the diagnoses was quick. It was a UTI... I didn't even know men got UTI's... :eek: It turns out that we do especially when we get old and it seems that we generally are not very good at it. :rolleyes: It is usually far worse in men than the UTI's that women get fairly often. If you are an older guy and have never had one you should Google it and read up a little on it so you can recognise it.
Enough doom and gloom... I could sit here and whine all night but I won't. :)
My basement woodshop is a mess of clutter and of stuff that got carried in there that does not belong there or is unneeded. I've recently gotten a decent start on the de-clutter and I am installing a lot of 4' LED shop lights. I only have the window in the outside walk door and its light is kind of limited. My main bench sits just inside of it and the opposite wall is 40 feet away. I need better lighting than I have now. I put one new light by that far wall today, made a big difference. The number 1spot in the shop is where my Ridgid table saw sits and I just changed out a smaller LED light with one that is rated 10,000 lumens. Huge difference. I'm still in love with that saw. I can't recall how many years I've owned it but it has an amazing fence system on it. I was disappointed a year later when I looked at one and they had done away with the good fence and put on one that I considered to be crap. I haven't looked at one recently, just not in the market.
In spite of my age I am still sawing and splitting firewood steadily and we still have 5 horses of our own and keeping about 16 client horses. It keeps me out of trouble... :)

Re: Still around, still going (mostly), now trying to get in some woodshop time

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2023 6:20 am
by SteveMaryland
Very good that you are still with us. We do have a good group of people on this forum, warts and all.

UTI's are horrible and dangerous. I suggest you obtain and keep a dose of Ciproxin or whatever that antibiotic is for UTI's. Its a prescription but get your doctor to write one and keep that antibiotic on hand in the refrigerator. First sign of a UTI recurrence, start the antibiotic right away.

Also, kidney stones - keep them away with straight cranberry juice daily. + Keep a real painkiller on hand. Last time (10 years ago) I had a kidney stone they required me to go to the pharmacy IN PERSON and sign for the prescription - because it's a "controlled substance". Had to drive over and lay on the floor in agony in front of the pharmacy counter while they took their G.D. time filling the prescription. Not going thru that again - I now keep something strong on hand if I ever need it again.

Unfortunately, American medicine has become a money-grabbing racket. Wall Street now runs most medical practices and has turned doctors into commissioned salespersons.

Re: Still around, still going (mostly), now trying to get in some woodshop time

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2023 9:30 am
by BuckeyeDennis
Good to hear from you, farmer! My condolences on the loss of your daughter. As you said, it’s just not supposed to happen that way.

Good luck with the workshop cleanout. Personally, I’ll make a little progress on that, and then a new project will rear it’s head. Which brings even more stuff into the workshop, and steals the time that I had planned for orgnizing it. Someday …

Re: Still around, still going (mostly), now trying to get in some woodshop time

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2023 11:47 am
by chapmanruss

Glad to see you back here on the forum. Sorry for your loss and you are correct it is not supposed to happen that way.

I replaced half, so far, of the 4' florescent light fixtures in my garage/shop with 5500 lumen 4' LED fixtures and it makes a world of difference.

I am 15 years your junior but I hope I am still getting around as well as you when I hit my 80's.

Good to hear from you again.

Re: Still around, still going (mostly), now trying to get in some woodshop time

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2023 5:30 pm
by john
Also glad to hear you are back after going through a rough patch. Very sorry to hear about your daughter!

I can relate to having a large family and how the grandchidren and great grandchildren keep you busy, but then that's what they are here for and they keep us going.

I also switched to led lights as my eyes seemed to not function as well as I got older. Makes a big difference.

Hope to read about your projects, etc down the road.

Take care.


Re: Still around, still going (mostly), now trying to get in some woodshop time

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2023 7:30 pm
by jsburger
Glad to hear you are OK and sorry for your loss. A couple of weeks ago I was thinking you hadn't posted in a long time and was hoping it was only temporary and that you were OK.

Re: Still around, still going (mostly), now trying to get in some woodshop time

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2023 7:54 pm
by Hobbyman2
Glad you are still with us . hope to hear more about your new and old projects in the future.

Re: Still around, still going (mostly), now trying to get in some woodshop time

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2023 10:45 pm
by lahola1
Glad your back on this forum and at least somewhat better in health.
When I got my MKVII and joined this forum in 2017, I didn't know anything about them. I went through and read all your posts about your MKVII's to acquire some knowledge on them because you were one of the few that had a MKVII.
Thank you.
PS Also liked your common sense type messages in your posts. :)

Re: Still around, still going (mostly), now trying to get in some woodshop time

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2023 11:29 pm
by JPG
Missed ya!

Was worried about thy absence.

Welcome back!

Condolences re the youngest one!

Re: Still around, still going (mostly), now trying to get in some woodshop time

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 10:47 am
by robinson46176
JPG wrote: Thu Feb 23, 2023 11:29 pm Missed ya!

Was worried about thy absence.

Welcome back!

Condolences re the youngest one!

I was kind of worried myself for some time... :eek:
I'll get back to regular posting soon. Right now I am mostly just kind of skim reading here to catch up on current discussion topics. That and at least trying to clean about half of the shop. Well, OK. Maybe just find the bench top... :o :rolleyes:
