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New Operating Hours??

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 5:44 pm
by dusty
It seems to me that Shopsmith Customer Service has established new hours of operation. I may be wrong but I have called three times to place an order and each time found that I was "Too Late" at 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon.

I would think that if the hours have been shortened, they should also have been delayed. Many of us have only two or three hours during which to place a purchase. Yes, we can do it online (which I did) but I often would like to talk to someone about what I am ordering.

I guess I could move east.

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 6:06 pm
by Nick
Dusty, Customer Service is in the throws of moving. We're consolidating our operations to occupy a smaller space in the Shopsmith building. which should make us more efficient. Give us a couple of weeks for the dust to settle and Customer Service should be back to their old, loquacious selves.

With all good wishes,

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 10:50 pm
by joedw00
That's not the story I got a couple of weeks ago when I had to make a order at work and was on hold for 30 min. They said it was do to the lay off, and there were only two left, and they could not be there to cover all the hours. It's getting to be a pain just to order something. I agree with Dusty I like to talk to someone when I order.

New Operating Hours

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 11:42 pm
by dusty
I was frustrated by the fact that I wasn't able to dicipline myself to call earlier in the day; I have been use to the longer work days that have previously been typical at Shopsmith. I just picked up the phone and called; someone seemed to always be there.

I still placed my order (online). I can't do without my monthly package from Shopsmith to unwrap and inspect.

Customer service remains, even during these hard times, to be one of the few that still take their jobs seriously. Shopsmith is to be commended.

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 8:43 pm
by Gampa
Apparently my post last night about the frustration I was feeling with customer service was removed today. I have to say that is to bad because I was really coming back today to give them CUDO's for the reply I received today. Someone took the time to look at both my emails and the shipping invoices and let me know the 520 upgrade had not shipped but was in fact back ordered with an unknown future ship date. Much better to wait knowing it will come then believe it was shipped and didn't make it.:o